Government Street

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Government Street
Former names: Pitt Street
Butt Street
Calle de Gobierno
west end: Pace Boulevard
Spring Street
Baylen Street
Palafox Street
east end: Cevallos Street

Government Street is an east-west street in downtown Pensacola.

The street is present on the 1812 Pintado plan, where it is labelled Calle de Gobierno.

Government Street runs from its western terminus at South Pace Boulevard uninterrupted to its eastern terminus just east of Cevallos Street in a residential block.

British Pensacola[edit]

In British Pensacola, what is now Government Street was called Pitt Street west of George Street (Palafox) and Butt Street to the west.[1]

Notable places[edit]

Compass rose brown.png
Next street north is Intendencia
Next street south is Zaragoza


  1. Jump up Robinson, Benjamin. An Historical Sketch of Pensacola, Florida. p. 17, 1882.