3#B200609D (#33007795) 30.419997, -87.225587 30.420016, -87.225201 30.420858, -87.220083 30.414973, -87.218753 30.41378, -87.225652 30.413789, -87.225941 30.419997, -87.225577
</googlemap>The Belmont-DeVilliers district, sometimes known as West Hill or "the Blocks," or pronounced Belmont-Devillers) is a historic neighborhood in Pensacola, centered around Belmont and de Villiers Streets. Belmont-DeVilliers is historically a center of Pensacola's African-American community, due largely to Florida's "Jim Crow" laws which took effect in 1905 and mandated segregation. It was a bustling commercial district in the early twentieth century, until a number of factors led to an exodus of both businesses and residents in the 1950s.
The Belmont-DeVilliers Neighbourhood Association defines the district as bordered by Cervantes Street to the north, Gregory Street to the south, A Street to the west, and Spring Street to the east.[1] The City of Pensacola's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) considers the neighborhood boundaries expanded south to Garden Street and excluding that which is north of La Rua Street and east of Reus Street. According to the CRA, the neighborhood occupies about 35 city blocks, or roughly 100 acres.[2]
The CRA initiated a revitalization project called the "Future Land Use Plan" that installed new sidewalks, brick crosswalks, historic streetlamps and landscaping to the area's four-block core. The project has also set guidelines for future residential and commercial development that will preserve the historic flavor of the neighborhood while promoting growth.[3]
The district hosts the annual Goombay festival.
NsXiuu Wish I could come up with posts that cool.
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4ldQEc THX that's a great answer!