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West Florida Literary Federation

208 bytes added, 23:06, 23 November 2016
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An early program, Backdoor Poets, offered adult and student poets the opportunity to present work at weekly events. The program has evolved into a once-a-month open mic at the [[Pensacola Cultural Center]] for members and the public to read both prose and poetry. Annual poetry seminars with renowned poets continued for several years, and in 1999 WFLF sponsored a day-long writing seminar. For the past four years, WFLF has sponsored several two-hour weekly writing and critique groups led by members dealing with topics as memoir, fiction, non-fiction, poetry.
To celebrate its 25th anniversary, WFLF hosted popular “Wild Woman” poet Judyth Hill for a four-day series of events, including open mic readings, two workshops and a keynote address at the closing banquet. In 2013, WFLF partnered with the African-American Heritage Society and Florida Humanities Council to bring poet-performer Kwame Dawes to Pensacola. In 2016, WFLF brought New York poets Barbara Henning and Lewis Warsh to Pensacola to lead sessions for "Writing Off the Wall" as part of November's Foo Foo Festival.Funds were provided with a grant from ACE.
In 1986, the same year the U.S. Library of Congress named the first poet laureate, WFLF named its first poet laureate. The honor has been held by Adelia Rosasco-Soule, Leonard Temme, Mary Hood, Laurie O’Brien, Henry Langhorne and Juliet DeMarko. Jamey Jones is the current *[[Poet Laureate of Northwest Florida]].
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