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,account from S & W journal
A 1909 edition of the ''Stone & Webster Public Service Journal'' gives the following account of conditions in Pensacola:<ref>[http://books.google.com/books?id=bu8oAAAAYAAJ&printsec=titlepage#PPA46,M1 ''Stone & Webster Public Service Journal'', July-December 1909. p. 46]</ref>
<blockquote>'''July:''' Bids have recently been awarded by the city for paving the streets. The material is to be brick and wood blocks. The paving will cover ten miles of streets, and with the addition of the concrete sidewalks, which are now being constructed, the appearance of Pensacola will be greatly improved. Work on the new San Carlos Hotel is being pushed rapidly. The cencrete forms are now being built on the third story.</blockquote><blockquote>'''August:''' During the latter part of June, the company's park, known as Palmetto Beach, on the Bay Shore line, was opened as a pleasure resort to the public, the initial attendance being large. This resort is being conducted by some of Pensacola's young enterprising business men, and from all appearances it will be a profitable investment for both the company and the promoters. The contract for paving the streets of Pensacola has been signed by Mayor Rielly, and work will be begun on August 1st. A Pensacola lumber firm has the distinction of recently shipping to Spain two million feet of select lumber to be used in theconstruction of a summer palace for the king of Spain. Work on the East Pensacola Heights railroad is nearing completion, and it is expected that cars will be in operation within the next two weeks.</blockquote>