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Source:Charter of the City of Pensacola, 1895

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===Section 72.===
The board of public works shall make out all apportionment warrants for which liens are given for improvement of public ways, as may be required by ordinance, and within two days thereafter, shall enter the same upon a register kept in alphabetical order for that purpose. When the holder of said warrant shall have obtained payment, he shall notify the board of public works, and it shall be marked upon the register as paid. The lien shall exist from the date of the apportionment warrant; but a lien shall not be valid against a purchaser for valuable consideration without notice, unless said lien shall be so entered and registered within ten days of the apportionment warrant.
==Parks and squares.==
===Section 73.===
The public parks and squares in the city shall be managed and controlled by the board of public works.
===Section 74.===
The board shall have the care, management and custody of all parks and grounds used for park purposes, and all boulevards and park-ways now belonging to or in the control of the city, and all such property as may hereafter be required for park purposes, or public squares of the city. The board shall have the power to acquire and hold property for public parks and public squares by contract for the same; to accept conveyances thereof; to receive gifts, donations, or devises of land, or other property for park purposes; to lay out and improve with walks, drives and roads, tree planting and other proper improvements the park or parks, streets, square or squares, and other property held by the city, or acquired and managed, and to enter into contract for the same; to protect all property and improvements to it belonging or under its management or control from injury and decay; to adopt rules and regulations for the reasonable and proper use, and for preventing injuries to or misuse of all parks, public squares, boulevards, drive-ways, sidewalks and park property generally, and to prevent disorder and improper conduct within the precincts of any park or enclosure, or upon any drives, walk or avenue under control of said board of park commissioners; ''Provided'', That all outlay of money be approved by the city council as herein provided. The police power of the city shall extend over the said property of every kind as the same is or as shall be acquired, and all violations of such park rules or regulations, when enacted into ordinances of the city, and all other misdemeanors or offenses committed within any park property or precinct, shall be punished by the police court of the city on complaint and proceedings had, as provided by law in the case of misdemeanors and violations of city ordinances.
===Section 75.===
In locating parks and such other property as may be acquired under this act, the board shall have regard to the needs of the different portions of the city and populations thereof, and suitability of ground for park purposes, as well as the cost thereof. In and of all such matters said board shall have discretion, as also in the system of improvement of same.
===Section 76.===
The board shall not be compelled to accept any gift or offer of land, which, in its judgment, is unsuited for park purposes, or the improvement of which would entail an injudicious outlay. The title to all property acquired for park purposes shall vest in the city, and the same with all the improvements and equipments, shall be held in strict and inviolable trust for public park uses, free from all taxation, impost or assessment, State, county, municipal or otherwise.
===Section 77.===
The board shall, in like manner, hold, manage, control and improve the public square or areas within the city limits, and may acquire others by gift, contract or purchase, and for such it may prescribe rules and regulations; and all squares or areas shall be deemed and treated as park precincts. The said board shall also have the control and management of the planting and care of shade trees in and along the sidewalks or thoroughfares of the city.
===Section 78.===
The board shall never to any intent or under any device in one year, anticipate or create a charge upon the income of a future year, and no work done or improvement made in any one year shall be a charge upon the income of a future year.
===Section 79.===
The board shall keep an accurate record and books of account, and shall, annually, in the month of May, transmit to the mayor a full and detailed report and statement of all its acts and doings for the preceding year, together with a complete and itemized account of all receipts and disbursements of money, and with an itemized statement of the money needed for park purposes during the coming year. The books of account and records of the board shall be at all times open to the inspection of the mayor or comptroller, and be subject to the same examination as the records of other municipal officers, as provided in this act.
===Section 80.===
All legal services or advice required by this board or any board of the city shall be rendered by the city attorney without additional compensation.
===Section 81.===
Whenever property shall be needed for appropriate municipal purposes, either within the boundaries of the city or the county, the board of public works may, with the consent of the mayor and the council, order the condemnation of said property, which shall be condemned according to law.
===Section 82.===
The board of public safety shall consist of five members. The members of said board shall serve without pay. The board shall have exclusive control, under the ordinances of the council, of all matters relating to the fire department and the police department, of the pounds and prisons and market places (but not the market buildings except to preserve order therein) and of all the charitable, reformatory, and penal institutions of the city, including the city hospital, and alms houses, the city work house, and all other buildings and institutions of a similar character belonging to the city, or which may hereafter belong to the city, or under the supervision and control thereof.
===Section 83.===
The board may make by-laws and rules for the government of the inmates of its institutions, and may inflict proper but humane punishment in the enforcement thereof.
===Section 84.===
The council may, by ordinance, locate any of its institutions upon land now owned by the city, or to be hereafter provided for that purpose anywhere in the county.
===Section 85.===
The board may, for good conduct, authorize deductions from the time of persons confined in the work-house or any other penal institutions, or city jail, but not until the judge of the police court has been extended an opportunity to submit his objections, if any, to the exercise of clemency.
===Section 86.===
A city marshal shall be elected for two years at each biennial election, as provided in this act for mayor.
===Section 87.===
The board of public safety shall appoint a chief of firemen, and a first and second assistant upon recommendation of the Pensacola Fire Association, as long as said fire department is a volunteer department.
===Section 88.===
Excepting the marshal and chief and assistants, all persons employed in said departments, and persons who have been employed in said departments during the past five years, every officer or employee paid by the city shall, before appointment or selection, have the following qualifications:
First—He must read and write correctly the English language.
Second—He must pass a satisfactory examination on the ordinances of the city in such parts as relate to the duties of his office.
Third—He must be at least twenty-one years of age.
Fourth—He must be of sound health, and sufficiently strong to be active and able to discharge easily bis duties.
Fifth—He must be a resident and qualified voter of the city.
===Section 89.===
The board of public safety may provide a manual of instruction for the study of persons who wish to acquire the necessary knowledge of the said ordinances and charter.
===Section 90.===
The marshal shall have direct charge and control of the police force, subject to the supervision of the mayor under such rules and regulations and orders as said board of public safety may provide. In times of peril from riot, disorder, or the apprehensions thereof, the marshal and police shall be subordinate to the mayor, and shall obey his orders and directions absolutely and without question or hesitation.
===Section 91.===
The officers and employees of said police department shall possess all the common law and statutory powers of constables, except for the purpose of serving civil processes.
===Section 92.===
Said board may, in case of need, appoint special police to do special duty at any place within said city, and on such terms as they may deem proper; and these special policemen shall be governed by such rules and regulations as said board may provide; and be given such powers as said board allow; and in case no such rules are provided, they shall have the powers and duties of ordinary policemen.
===Section 93.===
No officer, or policeman, shall be called on for any contribution or assessment by any superior. No officer or member of said police department shall be allowed to solicit any contribution or funds, or to sell any tickets, or to procure any money by any devices from the public. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned for a period not exceeding two months, or both so fined and imprisoned.
===Section 94.===
No policeman or police officer shall be allowed, without the consent of the board in each case, to receive any money, or gratuity or compensation, in addition to his salary, for any service he may render.
[[Category:City of Pensacola charter documents]]

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