*[[U.S. District Court]] prosecutor '''[[Roy Atchison]]''' is arrested after traveling to Michigan to have sex with a 5-year-old girl.
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[[Image:SaengerTheatreGradRoyAtchison.jpg|right|120px100px|Saenger TheatreRoy Atchison]]*The [[U.S. District Court]] prosecutor '''[[Saenger TheatreRoy Atchison]]''' (''pictured'') , jailed after allegedly traveling to Michigan to have sex with a 5-year-old girl, commits suicide in detention.*The '''[[Saenger Theatre]]''' receives an additional $6 million for renovations from the [[Pensacola City Council]] and [[Escambia County Commission]].
*The creation of the '''[[Southwest Escambia Improvement District]]''' is deemed unconstitutional by the Florida Supreme Court, a ruling that could impact the [[CRA]] funding of the [[Community Maritime Park]].
*[[Escambia County Commission]]ers reject a request by former [[Escambia County Administrator]] '''[[George Touart]]''' to amend his contract, which would have enabled him to retire with a pension.