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User talk:Admin

290 bytes added, 21:46, 12 March 2009
Category question: new section
:Yikes... Unfortunately that's not nearly the 'most racist thing even' to happen in Pensacola. Hell, Bliss was probably pretty progressive for his time. <span style="font-family:Georgia, serif; color:#cccccc;">&mdash;&nbsp;'''''[[User:Admin|admin]]'''''&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;'''''[[User_talk:Admin|talk]]'''''&nbsp;</span> 23:35, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
::Yeah, I know, but ugh! I'm going to delete the image, it's so weird. <span style="font-variant:small-caps; vertical-align:5%; font-family: Georgia,serif; color:#cccccc;">—&nbsp;'''[[User:Dscosson|dscosson]]''' • '''[[User talk:Dcosson|talk]]'''&nbsp;</span> 23:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
== Category question ==
Category:Druggists or Category:Pharmacists? <span style="font-variant:small-caps; vertical-align:5%; font-family: Georgia,serif; color:#cccccc;">—&nbsp;'''[[User:Dscosson|dscosson]]''' • '''[[User talk:Dcosson|talk]]'''&nbsp;</span> 21:46, 12 March 2009 (UTC)