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IMS ExpertServices

93 bytes added, 13:44, 17 June 2008
cleanup; removing promotional content
[[Image:IMS_logo.gif|right|185px|IMS ExpertServices logo]]'''IMS ''ExpertServices''''' is an expert witness and litigation consultant search firm serving the legal industry. Headquartered in Pensacola, the company serves clients nationwide with offices in Denver and Atlanta.
The company currently employs 37 people in the Pensacola area. It has offices in the [[Cordova Square]] complex off [[Bayou Boulevard]]. Previously the office was located in [[Gulf Breeze]] but was forced to relocate after the intense [[2005 hurricane season]]. Due to continued growth, IMS ''ExpertServices'' [] is has expanded to two suites in the premier expert witness Cordova Square complex and litigation consultant search firm in the legal industry. Headquartered is potentially moving to a new larger location in Pensacola, the company serves clients nationwide with offices in Denver and Atlanta2009.
The company currently employs 37 people in the Pensacola area. It has offices in the [[Cordova Square]] complex off [[Bayou Boulevard]]. Previously the office was located in [[Gulf Breeze]] but was forced to relocate after the intense 2005 hurricane season. Due to continued growth, IMS ''ExpertServices'' has expanded works exclusively with attorneys and corporations on business to two suites business litigation. As experts themselves in the Cordova Square complex field of search and is potentially moving recruitment, IMS works to locate individuals best suited to the needs of each specific client. Toward this goal, IMS Expert Services utilizes a new larger location in 2009team of researchers to scour multiple resources for candidates and recruiters to vet prospects.
IMS ''ExpertServices'' works exclusively with attorneys and corporations on business to business litigation==External links==*[http://www. As experts themselves in the field of search and recruitment, IMS works to locate top individuals best suited to the needs of each specific www. Toward this goal, IMS Expert Services utilizes a team of topims-notch researchers to scour multiple resources for candidates and a seasoned recruiters to vet] [[Category:Legal services]]