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Naval Air Station Pensacola

3,889 bytes added, 02:58, 3 June 2008
Navy Yard
After the war, the ruins at the yard were cleared away and work was begun to rebuild the base. Many of the present structures on the air station were built during this period, including the stately two- and three-story houses on North Avenue. Many of these newly rebuilt structures were destroyed by the great [[hurricane of 1906]] and the resulting [[storm surge]].
Currently there are numerous homes left on North Avenue, as well as a unique octagonal structure that is the only totally surviving building of the burnings from the Civil War. It was spared burning from the Armies due to its state as a Naval Chapel, however, its basement did serve as an armory. Today it is one of the legal offices for the Navy. Across Central Ave ( a brick walk-way, closed to traffic, that is perpendicular to North Ave) and buried amongst 200 plus year old oak trees, is a large two story building that served as the Commandant's Offices. Today it is used as the VIP Visiting Officer Quarters, and has held many dignified guests including President George Bush and various other visiting Heads of State, both international and domestic.
If one heads North along Central Avenue you will most certainly notice a very distiguished, very stately, three story home that is referred to as Quarters A. Originally built to hold the Commandant and his family, this 3 story, eight bedroom home covers just above 8,000 square feet and is stockpiled with history. As you enter the home you are met by a large screened-in porch, very southern in style and very functional in use. You are greeted by a pair of large, double doors made of wood that have the feeling of history in their grains. If you are lucky enough to have come this far, you enter in through these doors to a grand foyer, 18 foot high ceiling throughout the home and wooden floors complete the grandeur.
To your right is a lavishly decorated parlor with a large granite fireplace and beautiful furniture that is part of the home. Across the foyer in a large living room with once again a fire place and a small niche, which makes a perfect area for an upright piano. Back into the foyer, heading deeper into the house to the right, pass the parlor is a large dining room with a table as old as the home (circa 1860s) with original chairs stuffed with horse hair. Another niche is found in this room which usually (many small details depend on the family and its needs) a small dining table used for family dinners or for a buffet. Another fireplace is found in this room. Another specialty of this home is that all the fireplaces are made of a different type of granite from around the world. At the very north end of the dining room is a large kitchen that, in southern style, looks somewhat detatched from the home. (This actually is a southern trademark of an older home. The kitchen was kept further, if not totally detatched from the house to keep the majority of the servants out of view and also a safety factor in case the kitchen caught fire). If one walks around a large staircase that rises to the second floor you enter in to what is commonly used as a family room with a sun room that looks over the back yard. The upstairs is set up in a very general way. Because the home never is occupied for a long amount of time (5 years on average) by the same family, each family sets up the house differently. Ascending up the first flight of stairs, from the foyer, you stop at a landing which also has a bathroom. Step further into the landing, prior to reaching the bathroom and their are two sets of stairs that go down into the kitchen and up onto the third floor. These stairs were built for use of servants. A smaller set of stairs completes the journey to the second floor. As you reach the second floor there are four main rooms present. Two rooms on either side of a hall way, with a bathroom at the very end of the hall away from the stairs. Each of the two rooms on either side, are connected by a hallway. The two rooms on the right are connected by a bathroom and are usually used as bedrooms or one bedroom and a leisure room. Once again, depending on the needs of the family. Across the hall contains the master bedroom and a room which is usually used as the Admirals personal office.
=== Naval Aeronautical Station ===
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