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Mark Dean

7 bytes added, 19:58, 11 May 2011
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<p>Mark Dean had two goals in high school. To go to Florida State University and to be a radio DJ. Well, whoever had the bright idea to place the number one beer bar (the Phyrst) directly across the street from the freshman dorm (Landis) will get full credit for Mark having "too much fun" his first year in Tallahassee. Going to classes quickly became extra-curricular. After 3 quarters of less than stellar performance from this honor student on academic scholarship, he was placed on academic probation. And Pensacola was calling him home. While home on Spring Break, Mark attended a beer and oyster party at a friend's house. Little did he know that the 3 dozen oysters that they got straight off the boat at the Pensacola docks were not sanitary. He headed back to Tallahassee, where he never made it past roll call at his first class. He was admitted to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital with bacillary dysentery. After 5 days in the hospital, he returned to Pensacola.</p>