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Source:Charter of the City of Pensacola, 1895

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No policeman or police officer shall be allowed, without the consent of the board in each case, to receive any money, or gratuity or compensation, in addition to his salary, for any service he may render.
===Section 95.===
There shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen, in the month of June succeeding the election of 1895, for four years, a comptroller, whose successors shall be appointed by the mayor for terms of four years, who shall keep the city books and accounts, showing the fiscal affairs of the city, the collection and disbursement of all revenues and moneys of the city, and act as assessor when required. He shall see, under direction of the finance committee of the council, that proper rules and regulations are prescribed and observed in relation to all accounts, settlements, and reports connected with the fiscal concerns of the city; that no liability is incurred or expenditure made from the treasury without due authority of law; and that appropriations are not over-drawn.
===Section 98.===
The comptroller shall be the custodian of all original ordinances and resolutions as signed by mayor and attested by clerk, and also of the minute books of council as written by clerk, and when necessary, by law, shall cause all due publications. He shall file and preserve in his office all records of the city. The comptroller shall act as tax assessor until the second biennial election under this act (1897) and shall continue to act as tax assessor thereafter until two-thirds of council does order the election at a regular biennial election of an assessor. While acting as assessor he is hereby given all the authority and power of assessor, as set forth in this act. In all matters pertaining to the duties of assessor he shall sign all official papers and be designated as acting assessor.
===Section 99.===
There shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city at the times and places provided for the election of the mayor, a treasurer, whose duty it shall be to receive and keep all money of the city, and pay out the same on the warrants drawn by the mayor and countersigned by the comptroller, except as herein provided. Moneys belonging to the city received by an officer or agent thereof, either from collections, loans, sale of bonds, fees, fines and penalties, or otherwise, shall be deposited in the city treasury regularly once a week, unless otherwise provided by an ordinance; and in case the provisions of this section are not fully complied with, it shall be the treasurer's duty to report any delinquencies to the mayor. He shall give two receipts in all cases, one for the party paying and one for the comptroller, which shall set out the amounts paid, from what it proceeds, and to what account credited. His books shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor, the comptroller or any member of the council, and he shall report the balance in the treasury each week to the comptroller. He shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties, to be approved by the mayor and the council. The treasurer shall be paid such compensation as the council may fix.
==Tax Collector.==
===Section 100.===
There shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city, at the times and places provided for the election of mayor, a tax collector, who shall collect all city taxes, and he shall pay the same over to the treasurer once each week. He shall each week deliver to the comptroller a statement showing what persons have the previous week paid their taxes, what amounts have been paid and the numbers of the tax receipts. He shall also make monthly reports of all collections and payments to the mayor, which shall be published with the proceedings of council. He shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties, to be approved by the mayor and council. He shall keep the books and accounts of his office in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance, or in the absence of any such requirements, the comptroller under direction of the finance committee shall prescribe the manner of keeping such books and accounts, and said tax collector shall perform any other duties required by law. He shall have power to appoint, with the approval of the board of aldermen; such deputies as may be allowed him by ordinance. The tax collector and his deputies shall be paid an annual salary, to be fixed by the council. For the acts of his deputies he and his sureties shall be responsible on his official bond. No tax collector shall be eligible to any office under this charter unless he has accounted with the city for all collections, and obtained a quietus. He shall settle his accounts with the comptroller and treasurer, under direction of the finance committee, on or before the last day of June in each year for the taxes for which bills have been placed in his hands for collection for the year, and if through his fault, a quietus therefor is not held by said collector on said day, the council shall by resolution, declare vacant the office of said collector, and the vacancy shall be filled by the council by ''viva voce'' vote for the unexpired term. In his settlements he shall be charged with such uncollected bills as he could have collected by distraint of the goods of the delinquents, and he shall be subrogated to the rights of the city on such uncollected bills.
===Section 101.===
The tax collector shall not use or in any manner convert to his own use any money or other thing of value belonging to the city; and if he do, he and his sureties shall be liable for the same with interest, and he shall be guilty of felony, and, upon conviction, shall be confined in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years.
===Section 102.===
[[Category:City of Pensacola charter documents]]