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Source:Charter of the City of Pensacola, 1895

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In [[1895]], a new charter for the [[City of Pensacola]] was set forth by the Florida Legislature. This replaced the [[Provisional Municipality of Pensacola]] that had been established in [[1885]]. The 1895 charter was enacted by Chapter 4513 of the Laws of Florida 1895. The act was entitled:
:AN ACT to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, Now Known as the Provisional Municipality of Pensacola, and for Government of Said City of Pensacola, and to Provide for its Officers and Their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of Said Government and Improvement of Said City.

''Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:''
==Section 1.==
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Section 1.</span> That the inhabitants of the city of Pensacola are hereby created corporate by the name and style of the city of Pensacola, with the power to govern themselves by such ordinances and resolutions for municipal purposes as they may deem proper, not to conflict with this act, nor the constitution and laws of this State, nor the United States; with power to contract and be contracted with; to sue and be sued; to defend and be defended in all courts; to acquire property for municipal purposes by purchase or otherwise; to hold the same and all property and effects now belonging to them, either in their own name or the name of others, to the use of the city, for the purposes and intents for which the same were granted or dedicated; to use, manage, improve, sell, and convey, rent, or lease the said property, and have the like powers over property hereafter acquired; to have a common seal, and change it at pleasure, and act with or without a seal.
