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Aguada Street

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'''Aguada Street''' was an a delineated but unopened and unimproved street in the [[City of Pensacola]]. Laid out in the [[Water Front Tract]], "Aguada Street" was situated between [[Intendencia Street|Intendencia]] and [[Government Street]]s and was laid out from [[9th Avenue]] eastward until at least [[16th Avenue]]. For the duration of its existence, "Aguada Street" was unopened and lay nearly entirely underwater in [[Pensacola Bay]].
In [[1956]], the [[Pensacola City Council]] vacated Aguada Street in its entirety.<ref>Ordinance #14-56, ''An Ordinance to Close, Vacate, and Abandon Portions of Streets Lying in the Water Front Tract of the City of Pensacola, According to Map of Said City Copyrighted by Thomas C. Watson in 1906.''</ref>