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Talk:Plaza Ferdinand VII

Revision as of 18:36, 28 May 2015 by (talk) (Created page with " The 'larger than life' bust of Andrew Jackson was dedicated on May 19, 1984 as part of the Fiesta of Five Flags. It was commissioned, erected, and dedicated by the Pensacola...")
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The 'larger than life' bust of Andrew Jackson was dedicated on May 19, 1984 as part of the Fiesta of Five Flags. It was commissioned, erected, and dedicated by the Pensacola Historic Preservation Society, and designed by Spanish sculptor Eduardo Anievas who also did the Galvez bust at Fort George. The bust was put atop an existing pedestal that carries a historical plaque about Jackson that was put up by the Pensacola Historical Society in 1935. (Dean DeBolt, Archivist, University Archives and West Florida History Center, University of West Florida, Pensacola).

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