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Template:Infobox Law Firm

Revision as of 18:39, 26 August 2008 by Admin (talk | contribs)

This template creates an infobox with the general information relevant to a law firm.


Simply copy the following code and paste it at the top of the law firm entry, then fill in the blanks. The firm_name, num_offices, num_attorneys, and date_founded fields are obligatory. Other entries left blank will be excluded from the displayed infobox.

{{Infobox Law Firm
| firm_name       =
| firm_logo       =
| headquarters    =
| num_offices     =
| num_attorneys   =
| num_employees   =
| practice_areas  =   <!-- MAJOR practice areas only; if they do everything "General Practice" -->
| key_people      =   <!-- chairmen and CEOs, not every famous lawyer in the firm -->
| revenue         =   <!-- amount (year) -->
| date_founded    =
| founder         =
| company_type    =   <!-- e.g., Limited liability partnership or Professional corporation -->
| homepage        =
| dissolved       =   <!-- Date/Reason the company dissolved, e.g., merger or bankruptcy -->


Suppose we fill in the blanks like this:

{{Infobox Law Firm
| firm_name       = Sample Law Firm LLP
| firm_logo       = [[Image:Logo.png|100px]]
| headquarters    = Pensacola, Florida
| num_offices     = 7
| num_attorneys   = 250+
| num_employees   = 550+
| practice_areas  = General practice, especially admiralty law
| key_people      = Billy Bob Partner (Chairman), Missy Smith (CEO)
| revenue         = $1.7 billion (1997)
| date_founded    = September 20, 1997
| founder         =
| company_type    = Limited Liability Partnership
| homepage        = []
| dissolved       = September 21, 1997 (merger with Other Law Firm LLC)
Sample Law Firm LLP
Headquarters Pensacola, Florida<
# of Offices 7
# of Attorneys 250+
# of Employees 550+
Major Practice Areas General practice, especially admiralty law
Key People Billy Bob Partner (Chairman), Missy Smith (CEO) <
Revenue $1.7 billion (1997)
Date Founded September 20, 1997
Company Type Limited Liability Partnership
Website Dissolved September 21, 1997 (merger with Other Law Firm LLC)

The infobox will display like this on the right. Notice the founder field is not displayed because we left it blank.