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2,067 bytes added, 09:28, 12 December 2012
Created page with "A device named Abacus has been around for more than 3000 years and has played a significant role in the development our modern calculating our system. It is such a remarkable ..."
A device named Abacus has been around for more than 3000 years and has played a significant role in the development our modern calculating our system. It is such a remarkable achievement of human race that it has made us proud. Since the dawn of human beings on this earth they have encountered with many situations in which they have to calculate. The situations has got complex over time and has led to led many new inventions for the convenience of calculations. This development process has had many stages. It relates back to the prehistoric time and the first stage of development involves the construction of abacus. The wooden calculator helps teach mathematical skills, patterning and color recognition, and slide and count the beads with this timeless counting frame. It is also shown that it leads to a much better brain development. Although the abacus does not qualify as a mechanical calculator, it certainly stands proud as one of first mechanical aids to calculation and
if you know how to master an abacus then you can even out beat a modern calculator in terms of accuracy and speed. It also helps to teach young children perform their arithmetic calculations especially multiplication as this causes a lot of problem to young children and abacus makes it easy to perform. [ information]
Abacus is also used to teach blind children to perform arithmetical calculations while other students learn the same things on paper. Some errors can encounter while calculating on abacus if one is not well
trained but this can also happen with paper functions. So, we can say Abacus is one of those devices that is been constantly taught to the children for centuries and it seems that its importance may never
end in this ever-changing world. Abacus has got the place of great importance in the history of mathematics. One can easily say that abacus is the precursor of the modern day computer with the invention of abacus.[ info]

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