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Conrad Kupfrian

683 bytes added, 02:36, 19 June 2008
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'''Conrad Kupfrian''' was a Pensacolian businessmanwho founded the [[Pensacola Streetcar Company]] and introduced [[streetcars]] to Pensacola, in [[1884]]. Kupfrian was also the proprietor of [[Kupfrian's Park]].
A native of Germany, Kupfrian owned immigrated to America at age fourteen. After moving to Pensacola, he was apparently sent to St. Louis by his employer for career training, where he saw and was inspired by the city's [[Wikipedia:horsecar|horsecar]] system. Returning to Pensacola Street Car Company, he formed a partnership with [[John Pfeiffer]] and was [[John Cosgrove]], raising $50,000 in fact capital and persuading the first to introduce streetcars to Pensacola, in [[1884Pensacola City Council|City Council]]to pass an ordinance allowing steel tracks in the roadway. His first streetcars were horse-drawn, but he later converted to electric.  Kupfrian was also the proprietor of created an amusement park in [[North Hill]], known as [[Kupfrian's Park]], as a destination to complement the streetcar system after normal business hours.
 [[Category:Natives of Germany|Kupfrian, Conrad]] [[Category:People buried in St. Michael's Cemetery|Kupfrian, Conrad]]

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